^ A size comparison of a machine alongside a gentalman and a member of the working class.
^ Exiting from the charge ramp of a Ironclad.
^ The Picklekannon. The most practical way to carry a light mortar into the mists of modern combat.
“Inversimil Yacumama” 2nd Class LandCrusier
The most powerful land-ship in the Peruvian land navy, the “Inversimil Yacumama” (trans Improbable Sea-monster), was converted from a abandoned privateer cruiser in 1882. Although the machine appears cumbersome, it is in fact highly stable and fast moving. As she did at sea in her original incarnation, the “Inversimil Yacumama” is a highly effective Land Cruiser, able to penetrate or outflank enemy battle lines at hit hard at her venerable supply lines and command posts.
“Boxeador, Katherine and Nuevo Generosidad”, 3rd Class Battle Ironclads
The “Boxeador, Katherine, Nuevo Generosidad” are all examples of modern land ironclads of the British Rhomboid design. Modern, well armed and armoured but rather slow, these machines are a considerable asset to the main battle line wherever they are deployed.
“Bolognesi and Cáceres”, 4th Class Ironclad Hunters
Perceiving the threat of the vast fleets of foreign ironmongery that would soon steam their way across the dusty sands of the desert, a project was put into place to overcome the inevitable numerical superiority of enemy ironclads. The result was these ‘Ironclad Hunters’. Small, concealable and mounting a heavy 12” gun, they would prove to be a considerable threat on the battlefield.
“Número I – IV”, 5th Rate War Tractors
During the War of the Pacific a considerable number of heavy industrial tractors were converted into improvised fighting machines. With added armour plating and the addition of cannon turrets, they proved themselves to be viable combat units throughout the conflict leading to their permanent adoption in the Land Navy.