Ran a game of 'Ironclads' the other night at the Club. The Royal Navy gave the White Bear a damned good thrashing, crippling or sinking three large ships of the line for no loss or significant damage to their own numbers. Everyone appeared to have a bit of fun, even if there was a little universal bafflement at the rules (what with it being their first time playing.)
^ The British let loose a broadside, ripping apart the Russian line.
Just a few pictures from a game that I had over the weekend against a friend of mine who was back in the area. He played as the British, and I was the Sudanese. I got slaughtered in true colonial fashion, but managed to take a few down with me.
The Miniatures were all his - most are Perry's but, some are from elsewhere. The rules were The Sword and The Flame.
Great fun was had all round - I even got Spaghetti and Wine! Thanks Pete!