The other night I finished my most recent project, the Space-Dreadnought Ramona.
Named after the most beautiful flower of them all, she is currently serving as the flagship of a band of Space Pirates in the outer reaches of the known Universe.
Very soon (in fact, as soon as I finish uploading this post) she will have statistics and rules so that she can be used in games of 'Full Thrust'.
The model itself is a Spur Class Heavy Cruiser from Spartan Games' 'Firestorm Armada' line, part of their Syndicate faction. In my humble opinion, this is one of the most fantastic looking space-ships that I have ever seen what with its sleek, evil looking 50's curves and big ball-shaped turrets.
Because of its retro design, I thought I'd paint it in a nice two-tone 'classic car' colour scheme like the one here;
I'm really happy with my handy-work, but what do you think?