Hey Internet,
Haven't posted in a
little while - 'real life things' have not been doing all that well
as of late - the knock-on effect being that I've not really had the
inclination to do much in the way of hobby related stuff.
But I finally got
around to painting something this weekend.
Or rather, I've given a
figure that I painted a while back a fairly major revamp.
I finished
'ColonelDeathclaw' a fair while ago to be the leader of my Enclave warband,
and but even at the time I was never really all that happy with him. At the time, I'd wanted him to 'fit in' with the other
Enclave models in my collection – only, I painted them years ago,
when I was far 'less good' at painting.
So, I've gone back to
him. Its about 80% new brushwork, the with only the face and the
'holo-swords' remaining from the original coat. I think the 'metallic
black' armour is looking much better, as are the 'glowy yellow bits'.
The base also got a seeing too, as the original one looked nasty and was 30mm rather than 25mm - meaning that it did not match in with every other figure in my collection.
I've dug out a pair of
Brother Vinni's wonderful 'Ant Soldiers' to back him up. They are next in the que.
* * *
Captain D. C. 'The
Deathclaw1' McCorvin is a third generation product of the
United States Chemical Corps' research into the weaponization of
personnel infected with the infamous 'Forced Evolutionary Virus'.
Prior to his
exposure to the F.E.V during the excavation of the Mariposa Millitary
Base, Douglas McCorvin had an unremarkable career in the United
States Army. While a competent soldier of no little intelligence,
frequent conflicts with his superior officers ensured that he never
rose above the rank of Private.
Following his
mutation, McCorvin was evacuated to Station Control ENCLAVE. For
several months he was kept under constant sedation pending the
stabilisation of his condition. A small man of only 5'7”, McCorvin
developed into a similarly stunted mutant of less than 7' in height.
Following a
psychological evaluation and corrective surgery for a number of minor
debilitations, McCorvin was returned to active service as part of a
special detail tasked with the location and recovery of pre-war
research and technology.
In this role, and
with the benefit of his mutations, McCorvin showed a great deal of
capability, quickly rising to the rank of Captain and being given
command of 'Exploration and Recovery Detachment 7'.
During the events
leading to the destruction of Station Control ENCLAVE 'oil rig' off
the coast of California, ERD7 was stationed on a long range recovery
expedition several hundred miles to the East. Despite sending several
scout parties Westward, communications with ENCLAVE command could not
be re-established. Unable to communicate with higher command and with
no way to return to the West Cost without additional resupply, ERD7
began to operate autonomously.
In the following
months the Detachment continued to recover technology and equipment,
and eventually began to expand their base of operations from their
covert bunker complex to establish a small outpost on the surface.
In time, out of a
want of supplies, the Detachment began to trade some of their salvage
with local survivalist groups, and even began a limited recruitment
of 'wastelanders' to augment their numbers in light of losses
suffered to the inherent dangers of the wastes.
This seeded no small
amount of discontent amongst certain, more patriotic, members of the
group. This eventually was brought to an apex when an armed group
confronted McCorvin and directly accused him desertion and
dereliction of duty.
Refuting their
attempts to relive him of command, a deadly firefight ensued, quickly
spreading across the outpost as more individuals joined on both
sides. By days-end, almost half of the entire group had either been
killed, wounded or had chosen to flee into the wastes.
Victorious, but at a
terrible cost, Captain McCorvin continued to rule over his small
dominion. Though those that had sided with him during the schism
remained beside him, any pretence that the group represented the Army
of the United States soon fell by the wayside.
* * *

1: "The DeathClaw"
Douglass Charlie McCorvin's
nickname 'The Deathclaw' arose out of the aforementioned captain's preference for and substantial skills in close combat, armed with a pair of 'holographic
emitters' grafted to his suit of 'Tesla Power Armour'.
Salvaged from
a pre-war scientific laboratory, each of these these unique weapons
could in moments be reconfigured to emit by means of holography
either a savage blade, a shield or a projectile of energy.
McCorvin was even known to have used these emitters to produce a pair
of holographic wings, which when combined with the vectored exhaust
of his suit's micro-fusion reactor allowed him to enter into a
powered glide when leaping from a raised surface.
The Lead Tally - 2015
Acquired: +0 Painted: +1 Total: +1