Had a little time off work recently and have managed to get a few bits painted.
Because I really, really knew I shouldent, I have stumbled into a new wargameing period - The Great War.
Ive gone and got myself a copy of 'Though the Mud and the Blood' and from what I have read so far its proving to be a damned good set of rules.
Ive decided to do the project in 15mm....because I had a Char 2c in a box already. Im probably going to go with individual figures on Pennys for the infantry, with anything else being elevated to the time honored Two-Penny piece. Im putting togehter a shopping list at the mo - think Im going to go with Blue Moon over Peter Pig, my usual supplyer of 15mm figurines as they have a slightly better range of figures - particularly for the french. However, I will be rounding out the project with some of Peter Pigs and Irregular Miniatures produce.
Two French FT17s in Tri-Colour Camo. They are diddly things, and neither my painting or photography are all too great...so please be forgiving.
A Char 2c;
Whilst not actually used in the War, I am very fond of this french Landship, and I had one in a boxed that had been ear marked for the last few years to become the 'Mobile Oppression Palace' of my African Warlord. I like the idea of extending the War into 1919 and doing some 'what if' scenarios - I cant find any British or German tanks however.
A little group shot...
They look great!