I found myself rummaging though some old boxes to find a miniature out to show a friend, so as Ive taken some snaps, I thought I's best slap it on the ol' blog too...
Behold, my old Russian Agent miniatures.
The one in the Dress is a miniature from the old 'Ripper Wars' miniature game, whilst the other is a conversion of a Urban War Civilian, with the head/mask of a 40k Eldar Harliquin, sculpted hair and a Mauser C-96.
These two miniatures have, under various names, been involved in dozens of games stretching from the Victorian period into the far future - always on a never ending mission for the C'zar!
Might re-base these two. All my post apocalyptic stuff is mounted on hexes...I think they'd fit in well after the bombs have fallen.
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